The coolest corner of the party – InstantSelfie Photobox Hungary

Everlasting memories for you and your guests. With the InstantSelfie selfibox you’ll have a professional photo studio on your event, without the awkward feeling of standing in front of a photographer. You don’t need to smile on command – you “say cheese” whenever you fell ready. The fun and colorful props will help to frame the perfect picture!

The photobox (or photobooth, selfiebooth or selfiebox) will be a popular spot on your event regardles what kind of party it is: it’s just fun to make funny pictures and hold them in your hands printed in seconds after the shot.


Not everyone likes to be photographed. The selfiebox solves this issue: only you, your friends and a photo studio packed in beautiful wooden photobox – this way it’s fun to be a part of a photoshoot.

Prints in seconds

The photobox has a built-in professional photoprinter. It prints your pictures seconds after the shoot – you can take the print with you as a souvenir.

Simple photobox rental

  • Your digital frame

    We help you to create a custom digital frame which will be printed on every photo automatically.

  • Transport and setup

    We deliver the photobox right to your door and handle the setup, you don’t need to bother with this part.

  • Props

    We have a lot of funny props which will help to compose many great photos.

  • Say Cheese!

    You are in control – the photobox shoots when you are ready! No photographer to command you to smile.

  • Print

    The prints will be ready in seconds. By prints we mean perfect, high-quality photos – the same you would get in a photo lab.

  • Share

    You will have all photos on a pendrive after the event. Your guests can also share them on the spot from the photobox if you allow this feature.

InstantSelfie selfibox rental includes:

  • free transport of the photobox in Budapest, Pécs and Szeged
  • attendance during the event
  • custom digital photoframe
  • limitless immediate printing
  • classic 10×15 cm photo size
  • funny selfiebox props
  • background
  • digital photos after the even

Elegant and professional – a premium photobox

We wanted to create a photobox which adds a premium feel to you event with its looks. We believe that function is not everything, we would not welcome a unsightly box on our event. Our custom designed matte white wooden box and the american walnut stand elevates the selfiebox from being a piece of tech to a premium accessory.

The elegant box covers high-tech tools. A touch screen computer, a DSLR camera and a first class photo printer are the base of the photobox. On the top we have a studio flash – your photos will be perfectly lit everywhere.


Thank you for making our 20th anniversary dinner even brighter. Everyone enjoyed the photobox from the youngest to the oldest. Super pictures were taken, we will surely see each other again. We recommend you happily to everyone organising a wedding or a corporate event. Regards: Ebner Pince és Panzió (

We were happy to find an elegant photobox which fitted into our sleek wedding decoration. Martin and Réka were kind, professional and helpful, the guest have really enjoyed taking photos with all the funny props. Thank you!

Köszönjük a nagyon profi és kedves csapatnak, hogy feldobták a bulit! Örök emlékek lesznek a vendégeink számára a helyben azonnal elkészülõ instantselfiek, illetve számunkra az ezekbõl összeálló fotós vendégkönyv. Igazi színfolt az esküvõi/rendezvény szolgáltatások palettáján, a kivitelezés elegáns, a használata nagyon egyszerû, összességében csak ajánlani tudjuk az Instanselfie csapatát és szolgáltatását, eseménytôl és korosztálytól függetlenül!! :)

With the help of the InstantSelfie photobox became our both the most popular on the event. Our visitors returned with hundreds of funny photos printed with our logo. Thanks for your service – we will have the photobox on the next expo for sure!

Nagyon kedves és rugalmas csapat, csak ajánlani tudom őket!  Esküvőre kértük az InstantSelfie szolgáltatást és óriási sikere volt!!! Nagyon megmozgatja a társaságot és mindenkinek tetszett, hogy azonnal kiadta a képeket, így mindenki tudott haza is vinni a buliból, meg persze a vendégkönyvbe is ragasztgattak, így mi is láttuk, milyen képek születtek

A lehető legjobb választás bulikra, rendezvényekre. Nagyon sokat ad hozzá a hangulathoz, remek hátterekkel és sokféle kiegészítővel dobják fel a lehető legjobb partyfotók elkészítését. Maximálisan meg vagyok elégedve a szolgáltatással!


Successful events


Smiles caught



  • Bronze
  • 90.000 Ftfor smaller events
  • 2 hours photobox rental
  • unlimited prints
  • custom template
  • digital photos after the event
  • Picture size: 10×15 cm
  • Free transport in Budapest and Pécs
  • a szolgáltatásról alanyi adómentes számlát állítunk ki
    listprices are valid up to 150 guests
  • Silver
  • 120.000 Ftthe most popular
  • 4 hours selfiebox rental
  • unlimited prints
  • custom template
  • digital photos after the event
  • 10×15 or 5×15 photostrip size
  • Free transport in Budapest and Pécs
  • one of our backgrounds
  • a szolgáltatásról alanyi adómentes számlát állítunk ki
    listprices are valid up to 150 guests
  • Gold
  • 140.000 Ftall-in
  • 6 hours photobooth rental
  • unlimited prints
  • custom template
  • digital photos after the event
  • 10×15 or 5×15 photostrip size
  • Free transport in Budapest and Pécs
  • one of our backgrounds
  • video/gif
  • online sharing from iPad
  • stop-motion video
  • a szolgáltatásról alanyi adómentes számlát állítunk ki
    listprices are valid up to 150 guests


If you would like to order our Photobox to your event, please provide the details bellow. We will call you shortly to discuss the details. Then we will write in your event to our calendar and send a confirmation.

If you have any question regarding InstantSelfie selfiebox, contact us via phone or mail: +36305772660‬,

Which package are you interested in?